Aspire is an AI-assisted tool which allows you to see yourself through the scientific lens of objectivity and reason. It is like an unbiased mirror that will tell you the objective truth about yourself.
We all have an image of ourselves in our minds, a certain identity coupled with a certain narrative which will determine our actions and behaviors. However, most of the time this image is distorted by our own biases, limited attention, limited memory and limited compute power. Therefore there is a gap between who we think we are and who we really are. Aspire is a tool that will help you become aware of this gap and see yourself as you really are. Why?
Imagine you are driving a car to a certain destination, in order to get there you have to understand:
- Where you are
You cannot think you are in Africa when you are actually in Europe. - How to get to the destination
You cannot think you need to go north when you are actually need to go south. - The relationship between the gas pedal, brake and the speed of the car
You cannot think pressing gas pedal makes the car go in reverse. - The relationship between the steering wheel and the direction of the car
You cannot think turning left will make the car go right. - The space the car occupies so you don’t hit other things
You cannot think the car has round body when it actually has a rectangular body. - And so many more like the mirrors, windshield, blind spots, etc.
Similar to misunderstanding how to move the car, if you have gaps in your own understanding of how to move yourself, it will cause you trouble in reaching your goals. You are going to unnecessarilly hit your head against the wall, unintentionally smack others in the face and generally be stuck where you are.
When I look back at my own life before using Aspire, I was stuck in a rut for a long time, doing donuts in the darkness, not knowing how to get out. Now after using Aspire, I have a much deeper understanding of myself, my strengths and my limits. And I was able to use that understanding to pull myself out of my rut and set myself on track to reach my goals. Funny enough, Aspire’s solution is quite simple, not even new, it is based on the time-tested scientific method:
- Define a goal
- Experiment with an idea to reach goal
- Collect data
- Calculate distance to goal
- Make corrections to idea
- Iterate
It has worked at the corporate level, they call it OKR. All the biggest companies have been successfully using it for decades, so why not use it at the individual level? I guess at the individual level we knew the benefits of the scientific method but it was still a lot of work to manually do each of the above steps. But now, with AI agents, most of the manual work is done for us. So we can instead focus on setting goals and experimenting with different ideas, while the AI agent empirically tells us how effective our ideas are.
Self mastery is the ability to consistently reach the goals that we set for ourselves. I think of all the things we can acquire in life, self mastery is the most important. Because self mastery is the alchemist’s stone, the stone that can transform an ordinary human into a superhuman. When we become masters of ourselves, we can accomplish anything, we can live at the peak of our abilities.
The human mind and body are capable of amazing things, but most of us live in mediocrity. It is not because we are not capable, but because we don’t know how to unlock our full potential. It’s like having a Ferrari but only using it to drive to the corner store. Fuck that! let that baby rip on the Autobahn! I desire this for myself and I desire this for everybody else.
Why not!!?
Connect all your data sources to Aspire, camera, microphone, browser, email, calendar, contacts, gps, health data, bank statements etc, and then simply ask our AI agent, Max, “Who the fuck am I?”
And then watch in awe as he uses your data to mercilessly butcher your perfect image of yourself. Do you really want to know how much sugar you consume? How much you have binged on netflix, instagram, porn. How much money you spent on things you don’t need? Oooh it is going to hurt, I thought you liked pain! Oh you don’t?…Oops 🫢
Haha, just kidding. You have two choices, you can either be amazing only in your imagination or you can be amazing in reality also.
If you choose reality, Max will help you use the scientific method to uncover where the real version of you falls short of the imaginary version of you, help you close the gap and rapdily move towards the best version of you. It won’t be easy, but at least you will know when you are doing it right.
OMG! But what about privacy!?
“We take privacy very seriously, so don’t worry, we will never sell your data and it is securely stored in our cloud. Just TRUST us.”
Just kidding again… Forgive me, I can’t not give in to the temptation to make fun of these big companies, who won’t even give us access to “our own data“. And then use our data to sell us things that we don’t need, to feed us and our kids junk addictive media, to manipulate us and to keep us in a state of constant distraction.
And then swear under oath a million times that “They care about us and our privacy”. My ass, they care! The only thing they care about is power and control over us, and to use that control to strip mine our attention and use that attention to send us all into zombieland, so we won’t notice as they make money off of us.
It seems to me that now is a good time for us to wake the fuck up, we are in an open war for our attention, and they are kicking our asses. And now with AI in their hands, they are going to get deeper into our minds and control us better than ever before. Better than even their own wildest imaginations.
Can’t talk about privacy without mentioning You Know Who
Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg, the guy who has been ruthless in stripping us of our privacy and attention, is now all of a sudden “open sourcing AI”? Did he just receive a revelation from God and become a saint? I wish. With complete ownership of the data of 3.6 billion people, he knows that he has us by the balls and he doesn’t want any new AI startups to be able to get within even sniffing distance of our balls.
I think you over played your hand, Mark. If you don’t voluntarily let go off our balls now, you leave us with no choice but to forcefully make you let go. I think you maybe a good person but maybe with a messed up childhood, maybe you got hurt because you didn’t have control. Maybe some girls didn’t want to date you, maybe some frats didn’t let you join. Just maybe if you could have controlled them all, you could have gotten what you wanted and not been hurt. That is a reasonable conclusion. Whatever is your sad story, I empathize with you, but owning my data… is not the fucking solution! And I am not going to idly stand by while you make us all docile as sheep and inadvertently send us all to hell.
This message is not just for Mark, but for anybody else who tries to control us by holding our data hostage. We are coming for you too and we will not stop until we get back our data and therefore our freedom. No society, where a few own the data of all, can ever be truly free. Just look at the Chinese people, they are being openly oppressed by their authoritarian government. But the question is, is our so called democratic government any different? I don’t think so, the Chinese are forced into submission with a stick, but we are lulled into submission with mental porn. The Chinese know they are being oppressed, we are too distracted to have even the slightest clue.
The Vicious Cycle
At this point, you may be wondering, how do we break free from these tyrannical systems which enslaves us? It all simply comes down to who owns our data, data is the fuel that powers this soul numbing system. They
- Use our data to calculate our biases and
- Use our biases to eternally rob our attention.
Without our attention, we are as good as dead. They can rob our money, time and votes, and we will be too distracted to notice.
The critical point in this vicious cycle is our data. As long as we let them own our data, we will be their slaves. The only way out, you guessed it, is to take back OWNERSHIP OF OUR DATA!
The Alternative that Aspire offers
100% Data Ownership
All the data you feed into Aspire, is owned by you. You can move it out anytime, you can let other companies access it, you can revoke their access to it, you can sell it, you can burn it, you can destroy it, you can print it on toilet paper and use it wipe your butt, basically whatever the fuck you want, it is Your Data.
100% Transparency
All the technology that we use to store your data and run our algorithms will be published for anybody to inspect, so
- You don’t have to trust us when we say nobody can access your data without your permission, you can see for yourself.
- You don’t have to trust us when we say we won’t use your data to spy on you, you can see for yourself.
- You don’t have to trust us when we say we won’t use your data to manipulate you, you can see for yourself.
Furthermore, we will license our technology to other providers so you have freedom to choose where you store your data. We also plan to sell you a device(technology will be published) that will allow you store to your data in your own home without any recurring costs, so that you can have 100% physical ownership over your data.
Note: This is not the same thing as open source, the technology we develop is out in the open, anybody can see it and verify it; to see if we actually do what we say. The key difference being it is not free and that only we can sell and make money off our technology. Because building all this technology is going to cost us a lot of money, time and resources, and we need to be able to pay back our investors and workers.
100% Interoperability
Why should you be forced to use only our technology, our agents, our algorithms, or our data storage? Then you are going to be limited by our stupidity. You shouldn’t!
Instead you should be able to use any algorithm, technology or AI agent to process your data. With Aspire, that is exactly what we offer. We have a few algorithms and one agent Max that you can use, but you are also free to use any other algorithm or agent that you want. Use one for nutrition, one for exercise, one for sleep, one even for sex and if you don’t like them, instantly switch them out without losing any of your data. Wherever you go, Your Data follows you.
The Magic Number: 0% Trust.
- You shouldn’t have to trust anybody with your data.
- You shouldn’t have to trust anybody with the algorithms that process your data.
- You shouldn’t have to trust anybody with the algorithms that feed you new information.
- You shouldn’t have to trust anybody to tell you what is True.
Why? Because when you give anybody that much power, even if they are good people, eventually they will become corrupted by that power. You know what our ancestors said, “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Don’t trust me, don’t trust them, don’t trust anyone. Trust only yourself.
Our Mission
We want to give you the tools to become conscious of your own self with the hope that you will use that higher level of consciousness to become the best version of yourself.
You cannot improve the world, hell you cannot even meaningfully improve the life of one other person, the only person you can truly improve is yourself. And when enough people improve themselves, the world will automatically improve itself.
You want to live in a better world? Then be a better you, that is the only way.
Plato said “The greatest of all conquests is the conquest of self”
Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”
Coelho said “If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world”
The human mind is the crowning jewel of the entire Universe. The Universe exists because the human mind is there to validates it’s existence. People say AI is going to replace the human mind, as a guy that works in robotics, I think that’s BS. In our pursuit of AI, despite spending hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of human years, the only thing we repeatedly learn is the marvelous beauty of the human mind.
At this crossroad, you have two options in front of you, you can either let this Ferrari of the mind sit in your garage and jerk yourself off mindlessly, or you can take this baby out for a spin, push it to its limits and see how fast it can really go. If you choose the second option, we are building the perfect tool for you.